The Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM), the creator of the unique educational
township,Vallabh Vidhyanagar (VVN), is an organisation commited to the
educational upliftment of rural masses and is set in Charutar, heartland of
Anand district of Gujarat state. CVM is a largest and leading Education Trust of Gujarat State.
Established in 1945 by the pioneering efforts of late Shri Bhailalbhai Patel and
Shri Bhikhabhai Patel, the visionaries motivated by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. As
a registered charitable education trust, the CVM aims at the pursuit of
excellence in education. Under the able leadership of the founders, followed by
the late Dr.H. M. Patel, former Finance Minister of India, it acted as nucleus
to grow into a status of Sardar Patel University. The Charutar Vidya Mandal,
Sardar Patel University (SPU) and Vallabh Vidyanagar are inseparably linked.
At present, the Charutar Vidya Mandal is running 51 educational institutes
ranging from primary school to graduate, post graduate and research centres in
various disciplines. During the last 70 years of its academic march, Vallabh
Vidyanagar has grown into a unique seat of learning, imparting education in all
diverse disciplines of natural and technological sciences. The educational
township, with an excellent academic network, consists of potential manpower of
about more than 35,000 students and more than 1,100 teachers. It has also inspired and actively
assisted in the establishment of an industrial township adjoining its
boundaries,named as Vitthal Udyognagar, a most active and rapidly developing
industrial estate providing facilities for the practical training of students
studying in various technical and other educational institutions in Vallabh
Looking into the new era of liberalization and globalization, emerging growth of business and industry, CVM has been poised to respond positively to the changing environment under the dynamic leadership of the former Chairman Dr. C. L. Patel as well as present Chairman Er. Bhikhubhai B. Patel keeping an eye on the present potential enormous growth of industrial sector, Charutar Vidya Mandal has identified important areas of educational development. One of such areas is R & D to cater the needs of business and industry in a highly systematic and sophisticated way. Charutar Vidya Mandal has also established a Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre for Applied Research and Testing (SICART) to render excellent scientific research facilities to industries and academic community and provide interaction between researchers and industries.