1. To create better societal impact by providing scientific analytical services to the industry and academic institutes perusing scientific research.
2. Expansion of basic research areas to its explicit applications.
3. To help in technical analysis for institutionalization or developing, standardization and validation of developing methods in order to promising usage of unexplored resources.
4. To organize short- and long-term training workshops/programs on the applications and uses of various analytical techniques for researchers/ industrial users with purpose to sort out their academic task on their focused areas.
5. To motivate young researchers for generating innovative ideas from the experimental findings.
1. To acquire newfangled sophisticated analytical instruments.
2. To develop capability for preventive maintenance, upgradation of the high-end
instruments and timely replacement of old facilities.
3. Exploring new MOUs and agreements with industries, academic and research centers.
4. To carry out industrial or government sponsored research projects.
5. To provide consistent consultative approach and help towards solving analytical
6. To contribute in effective networking and dissemination of Institutes sophisticated
instruments to the scientific community across the state and country in general.