GC Model: Auto System XL Make: Perkin Elmer Specification; • FID Detector: Temp Range: 100°C to 450°C • TCD Detector: Temp Range: 100°C to 350°C • ECD Detector: Temp up to 450°C • NPD Detector: Temp up to 250°C • Oven Temp: Temp range : 40°C to 290°C • Pack or Capillary column can be used • Auto sampler is attached to GC (ECD & NPD) Detector • Capillary column: BP – 5, PE-Wax, BP-1 (100 meters) etc |
Model: Turbo matrix – 40 Make: Perkin Elmer Specifications: • Forty vials can be loaded. • Attach with FID GC |
Useful for finding % purity and impurity profile of Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Flavours, Drugs, Pesticides and solvents. Analysis of gaseous sample. Detection of residual chlorinated compounds. Detection of trace level of solvents in drugs. |
Detection of volatile organic content in drugs, dyes, carbohydrates and polymers etc by GC-HS. |