Model: Lambda 19
Make:Perkin Elmer, U.S.A.
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050+ Range: 190-3200 nm: Diffuse reflectance attachment; Standards for wavelength and absorption calibration validation traceable to NIST All types of measurements/studies in the region including Absorbance, Transmission and Reflectance spectra; Quantitative analysis.
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050+ Range: 190-3200 nm: Diffuse reflectance attachment; Standards for wavelength and absorption calibration validation traceable to NIST All types of measurements/studies in the region including Absorbance, Transmission and Reflectance spectra; Quantitative analysis.
Used for analysis of various compounds to find out the absorbance value & wavelength maxima in UV-VIS-NIR region |
Very useful instrument for qualitative analysis. |
The accessory "Integrating sphere" with spectrometer helps to analyze samples in reflectance mode. |
The accessory helps to analyze samples like cloth, leather, films, various biological samples. |
Helps in research & development of dyes products chemicals and other colored products. |
The instrument is also useful to study kinetic behavior of chemical reaction with respect to time. |
Double Beam, Double Monochromator, Ratio Recording. |
Lamp: Deuterium (UV), Tungsten-Halogen (VIS/NIR). |
Detectors: Photomultiplier tube for UV/Vis Lead-Sulphide cell (PbS) for NIR. |
Wavelength Range: 190-3300nm for Absorbance/Transmission and 200-2500nm for Reflectance. |
Scan Speed: 0.3 to 1200 nm/min. |
Wavelength Accuracy: ± 0.080 nm for UV/VIS & ± 0.3 nm for NIR. |
Base line flatness: ± 0.0008 A° , 4 nm slit |
Ordinate Mode: Scan, Time Drive, Wavelength Programming, Concentration Photometric Accuracy: ± 0.003 A° or ± 0.001 A° %R |
Chemical – To find out unknown concentration. To find out wavelength maxima |
Physics – To find out band gap of the semiconductor crystal and its optical properties. |
Clinical and Pharmaceutical – To find out optical density |
Environment Science – Effluent water analysis and its concentration |
Dyes – To find out colour concentration |
Material Science - Find out materials optical properties and its concentration. |